@escaping in Swift 5
@escaping used with Closer only in swift.
Swift closures are @nonescaping closures by default.
When you pass any argument into a function in form of closure, you have to tell to complier whether your closure will get execute now (within function) or later (after function execution).
In case of now: The complier will not increase reference count of closer And it will execute with the function itself.
In case of later : The complier will increase reference count of closer as this closer will store in memory for later execution So that closer won’t accidentally be destroyed.
The thumb rule is : @escaping is used when closure will execute and produce result later.
For Example : API Call, Delay, Timer, or any response coming from server.
Complier will always give suggestion if @escaping required for your closure, so you don’t worried. Swift Complier is here to correct your code.
See the below example. Where I am using non escaping closure for the later executable closer and complier is ready to give suggestion.
@non-Escaping by Default so i am not writing
After accepting complier suggestion it becomes like this