iOS interview question
2 min readMay 5, 2020
- What is the facade Design pattern?
- How to create dependency injection in swift?
- what is @discardableResult in Swift
- what is the use of in-out parameters in Swift functions?
- what is @escaping in Swift 5?
- Structure and Class in Swift
- what is interface and abstraction in swift?
- mutating function in Swift only for value type
- New features in Swift 5.0?
- Differences between Architecture and design pattern?
- Security in iOS?
- What is the difference between swift and objective-c?
- Why swift is faster?
- Difference between NSUrlConnection n NSUrlSession. NSURLSession is designed around the assumption that you’ll have a lot of requests that need similar configuration (standard sets of headers, etc.). NSURLSession also provides support for background downloads, NSURLSession also provides a grouping of related requests, making it easy to cancel all of the requests associated with a particular work unit, such as canceling all loads associated with loading a web page when the user closes the window or tab.
- How to write your own ObjectMapper class object.
- How can you share the data and logic between Android and iOS without any web services?
- Deeplink event handling. How can you make sure the deep link is coming from a particular marketing campaign or google ads.
- How video buffer/stream work s?
- How DevOps work? →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→Code → merged to-Git → Jenkins Pull Code → build it → configurations for testing environment → Jenkin release code into test environment → code tested → Send to production server → After deployment It is continuously monitored → Docker containers provides the testing environment to test the build features